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Kamis, 16 Mei 2019

Roch, a social volunteer visiting Wonokromo

Roch is a coordinator of social worker in Life Project For Youth in Indonesia. Now he is teaching the youth from neighboorhood where the education level is poor. The youth from the family that do not have house and the youth who has not skill to work.

He and his friend and Atmabrata Foundation open training center for the youth. They teach english, computer and public speaking. The youth study about nine months.

Based on various surveys, they also decided to create an activity treating and delivering water: Source of Life and Matakita who offer quality eye glasses at affordable prices. Many youths are trained to work.

He came to Wonokromo, Surabaya, East Java yesterday and talked with poor family and children. They wanted to do like what he did in Clincing, Jakarta.

He is actually from poor family in his country in France. He worked as marketing. He came to Indonesia to help the people, especially from poor family.

Poor people in the world unite.

Surabaya, 16 May 2019

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